Senin, 20 Januari 2014

A.    Background
Vocabulary is one of the important thing in learning English be sides other skills, through vocabulary we can speak as well as, by mastering many words of English, we can mastering the world. As we know English is international language. There are many ways to mastering English for example through this software, and actually this software just especially for elementary school, new learner or young learners. By using this software it is really easy for them. So to mastering many words, we need spell5 to add our words specially our vocabulary, and my reason why I choose this one because spell5 software not only available about vocabulary but we can practice our pronouns, our listening specially our words. We can to know How to spell the words well by using this spell5 software, besides I’m very interesting also about this one.
B.     Description of the Software
Spell5 is one of software about English include vocabulary or words. This software is important for young learner like elementary school student. This software is easy to get it, you just need to visit Google and search about spell5, and after you install in your PC the first step is you must create username and password to log in to the software, and after you log in, you can find the first appear like this.
1. Start page
In this part you can find many selection about spelling list, but first of all you must Click ‘’Create a new spelling list’’ to start using this software, after you click it, this software will appear like this.
2. Words page 
In this part you will see many selection also, there are Enter word, Start recording, stop recording, play recording and add to list, and the next you just choose ‘’ Enter word’’ and you write down your word as you want and as many you want. And after that click ‘’Start Recording’’ by using your voice, you start record your voice and you may just record the word you have written. After finish you recording, next click ‘’Stop recording’’ and then Click also ‘’Play Recording’’ if you want to listen your voice. After that Software  automatically will appear like this
The words you have written and record will appear in ‘’Current list’’ and if you want to make many word list you just need to click ‘’ Add to list’’ all the words you have written will appear in current list.
You have to make words in current list and the next step is you must click ‘’Exit editing’’ to start the next selection, but you will back in the first appear and after you back you could click ‘’ Play word scramble’’
3. Word Scramble
In this part you will see in the first box random letter, you must repair it in the next box you may put it from the wrong word to be good word but before that you click Start to play it, then if you want to know you word good or still wrong you may Click ‘’Check’’ it will show you Correct or incorrect.
The next selection you back again in start page in the first appear and then you   choose ‘play missing letter’’ and after that the software will show you 
4. Missing Letters
In this part you will see in the first box missing letter, you must repair it in the next box  to be good word but before that you click Start to play it, then if you want to know you word good or still wrong you may Click ‘’Check’’ it will show you Correct or incorrect.
The next selection you back again in start page in the first appear and then you choose ‘’ Practice spelling words’’ and after that the software will show you
5. Practice page
In this part is part for practice there a word you have make and to start it you may click ‘’ listen to word’’ after you listen it you also click ‘’cover word’’ to spell it, and check again the word you have cover will appear in list of the box. The next is you back again in start page the first appear and click ‘’Take a spelling Test’’
6. Test Page

In this part is part for test, we can see word before but in this part there is not word you just listen what the software said and you write it in spell box then check it, if the word you spell correct automatically will appear in big box.
Spell 5 allows you to create, record, sort, and save a spelling list so that you can practice each day for a spelling test. You enter a spelling word and record its pronunciation so that when you take a practice test, you hear the word. You can view reports of your grades and misspelled words.
A.    Strength
1.      This software is not boring for student because especially for kids.
2.      The students will enjoy because this software like a game.
3.      The students can practice their pronunciation quickly.
4.      Free access without using Wi-fi (Offline) 
5.      The students can use the software by themselves. 
B.     Weakness
1.      There is no explanation more about the software.
2.      Bad design (boring)
3.      Limited user (only for kids)      .
C.     The Process of Using the Software for Learning and Teaching Activities.
This software applies for elementary school for English class.
  There are steps of using this software in learning and teaching English in the   Classroom:
Activities using this software
1.  Explanation about the software which use in learning process
2.  If limited facility, Just make a group
3. Every group must have a laptop to use or access the software.
4. The teacher asks students to prepare their members’ group to using the software.
5. The material is about Part of the body (Vocabulary).
6. One by one of student can practices their word by using the software.
7. The students answer the word by using voice and also write it in test page
D.    Conclusion and recommendation
This software purpose for mastering English, besides the software is one of a good application because we can Free access it without using Wi-fi (Offline), and also the students will enjoy because this software like a game. The students can practice their pronunciation quickly. So I recommend this software to use in class because it is easy thing to do in learning teaching process it also can help us to make create way in teaching. If want to download this software you just need to visit 

Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Hingga saat perkenalan itu gue akrab dengan mereka bertiga terutama sama si nissa itu, soalnya anaknya itu selain cantik juga asyik diajak ngobrol nyambung bangett ma gue, apalagi kalau ngebahas tentang agnezmo sang idola kami, beda hal dengan hany anaknya cenderun pemalu dan calm banget gitu, kalau bukan kita yang nyapa duluan bisa ga’ ngobrol tuh seharian, J.  hany dan nissa itu sahabatan sejak SMA dulu jadi ga’ heran kalau mereka berdua cukup dekat, dimas sendiri sibuk sama pacarnya dikampung hamper tiap hari ngebahas pacarnya melulu ke gue sampai bosan gue dengernya. #Payahbanget, emannya gak capek apa bahas itu terus, niat mamer kali yah ke gue.. sedikit ilfel sih sama si dimas, tapi pada dasarnya dia tuh anaknya baik kok, care sama teman apalagi pada saat gue butuh banget bantuan dia,

‘’Hay Niss… lagi nyari buku apa..??’’ secarah tak sengaja gue ketemu nissa di ruang perpus dan kayaknya dia lagi sibuk tuh nyari materi tuk bahan presentase besok, “ hay Al iya nie sibuk banget nyari buku psikologi mana blom ketemu ketemu nie, hemm bete’ + pusing gue L” jawab nissa.
“Hehehehe.. sabar dong neng jangan marah2 gitu” sambil tersenyum gue godain si nissa yang mukanya lucu kalau cenberut gitu.. ‘’yeeeee lho kok mala ngetawain gue sih, ada yg lucu apa, pusing niee L” mending lho bantuin gue apa kek gitu, jangan ketawa aja huuuu’’ seru sih nissa dengan nada sedikit bete’.. tapi gue tetep aja ngetawain dia J.. “ iya deh neng  gue bantuin nyarinya, mau nga’ gue bantuin,, tapi kalau gitu senyum dulu donk”  tetep godain si nissa sambil tersenyum..

Saat itu  Gue pun bantuin si nissa sampai semua materinya terangkum, setelah itu kami pun bergegas meninggalkan ruang perpus bersama sama, “oyaa Al thanks yah tas bantuan lho tadi, klo ga’ da lho ga’ tau deh tugas gue bakal selesai atau nggak, mmm karena lho dah bantuin gue, sebagai imbalannya gue traktir makan deh, gimana??’’ seruu si nissa.. “” hmmm gimana yah, gue tuh bantuin lho krena lho kan sahabat gue niss, kan itu guna sahabat lagian gue ikhlas kok ngelakuinnya’’ jawab gue sambil melangkah ‘’ iyah sih gue tau tapi gue juga iklas kok traktir lho, ayolah lapar gue dah stadium akhir nie, mumpung gue lagi berbaik hati nie awas lho rejeki tuh ga’ boleh ditolak tau”’… seru nissa, “”yeeee nie aNak pake ngancam lagi, iya deh”” jawab gue…. kami pun melangkah menuju kantin belakang fakultas.

Saat itulah kebersamaan kami mulai, hampir tiap hari ngehabisin waktu bareng, belajar bareng bahkan kemanapun pasti bareng sama si nissa, semuanya kita lewatin dengan bareng2, tak herang sih kalau ada teman yg jail ngeledekin kita pacaran, awalnya sih terkadang kita ber4 hany,dimas nissa dan gwe tapi berhubung hanny nya sih gak bisa mulu gabung, alasannya sih takut sama abang nya gitu, trus si dimas sendiri anaknya kabur kaburan gak jelas gitu, tiap kali dihubungin yg angkat pasti pacarnya, malas juga kalau harus ganggu mereka pacaran, hemmm mereka berdua gak asik .

Niss ‘’ katanya nilai nilai kita udah keluar yah, lho udah chek belum.??’’ Tanya gw, iya tuh udah gwe liat tadi, tapi…’’ nissa menjawab dengan nada dan muka cemberut gitu.. tapi apa niss.. muka luu ga’ enak gitu sih, emang kenapa..?? tanya gw sedikit panikk,, tapi nilai semua anak2 bagus2 banget termasuk lho ril…jwab nissa…. haaaa maksud lho nilai kita bagus semua,, ..?? bagus donk, yesssss huuuu,,, ahh elho bikin gw panik aja tadi, hehehe,, iyaaa sorry sorry deh gw sengaja mw ngerjain lho dulu, tpi abis gw ga’ tega liat muka luu panik gitu, yaahh gw bilang aja..hahahaha….kata nissa… ‘’ahh sialan luu jail banget sih’’ seruu gw..
Siang itu seluruh anak mahasiswa jurusan bahasa patut berbangga dengan apa yang telah mereka usahakan selama ini ternyata kerja keras kami membuahkan hasil yang memuaskan, dengan serangkaian angka angka yang kami terimah dari jurusan itu cukup memotivasi kami untuk lebih giat lagi dalam belajar.
Dua tahun kemudian.....

Setelah kejadian itu, gue tak pernah lagi berpikir untuk mencari cari tau tentang keadaan Emilia, bagi gue dia adalah masa lalu, masa depan gue masih panjang kedepan, yaaaa.. tak satupun orang yang tau takdir dan nasib mereka nantinya, mungkin saat itu adalah sebuah kegagalan buat gue namun itulah hidup terkadang apa yang kita inginkan tak sejalan dengan apa yang kita harapkan, hal itulah yang ada dalam pikiran gue saat itu, mencoba tuk menguatkan hati dan selalu berpikir positip dalam mengarungi hidup ini,

Hingga saat itu gue putuskan untuk melanjutkan study gue ke salah satu perguruan tinggi negri yang ada dimakassar, merupakan kepuasan tersendiri menurut gue bisa menjadi bagian dari mereka para kaum intelec, cukup bangga sih bisa menjadi seorang mahasiswa, namun kepuasaan dan kebangaan itu tak bisa gue rasain seutuhnya, selalu saja ada yang mengganjel pikiran gue saat itu, ntah itu apa namun rasanya ada hal yang hilang dalam diri gue, dan hal itu gue rasain sekitar kurang lebih 2 minggu, apakah mungkin ini karna gue selalu ingat masa SMA gue kali yah, iya sih tak jarang orang bisa dengan mudah melupakan masa masa itu, masa dimana puncak dari pencarian jati diri puncak dari segalah sikap ababil yang kerap kali kita lakuin baik itu sesama teman maupun terhadap guru sendiri, kenangan itu terlalu indah untuk dilupakan, begitu lekat erat dipikiran gue, begitu banyak cerita indah yang tak bisa dibiaskan lagi dengan kata kata, sekali kali menjerat hati ini ketika gue teringat akan hal itu, kenangan indah itu rasanya  baru kemarin gue rasain…mmmmm L
mungkin itu kali yah alasannya,??? 
hal itu mungkin saja bisa gue lupakan, tapi ada  hal yang tak bisa gue lupakan sampai kapanpun kenangan tentang EMILIA. Nama pembawa malapetaka bagi hidup gue, orang yg mengubah drastis hidup gue, tpi meskipun demikian gue tetap saja tak bisa benci dengannya, alasannya knapa..?? karena bagi gue takdir yang tak menginginkan hubungan diantara kami, lagian  gue tak punya alasan apapun untuk benci terhadap dia, walaupun sesaat Emilia telah membuat hari hari gue penuh warna, bagi gue mengenalnya saja itu semua udah lebih dari cukup. J. Cinta boleh cinta tapi kehendak tak mesti harus kita paksakan kan guys,??   Hmmmm …. ngebahas tentang Emilia takkan ada habisnya,..’’ eiiitttzzzz waduh keingat lagi nie sama Emilia, udah deh ganti topic aja yah guys, udah mulai nyesaaaattttt lagi niee soalnya…. J… Takutt soalnya stokk tissunya udah habiss #crying Hehehehehe.. Next

‘’Hay….  gue Nissa dan ini Hany ma Dimas teman gue, mmm… nama lho sapa..??’’ terdengar seseorang menyapa gue dari belakang, gue pun langsung menoleh kebelakan dan menyapa balik mereka’’ hay juga, oyaa gue Rial ‘’ gue nyulurin tangan gue  sambil tersenyum, nah disinilah awal pertemanan kami, tadinya gue berpikir bakal ga’ punya kenalan secepat itu, heeemmm tau sendiri gue tuh orangnya rada rada cuek gimana gitu, apalagi sama wajah2 baru seperti ini.. tapi bukannya gue sombong cuman bawaannya aja gue kayak gitu, paktor dari rasa malu gue yg begitu dahsyat,, ciaaaelaaa petir kali yah dahsyat..  tapi jujur nie yee gue itu emang pemalu banget tingkat stadium ahir mungkin… apalagi kenalan sama cewek, terlebih lagi kalau ceweknya cantik… huuuuu bisa bisa kena panas dingin guenya…J hehehe kepo dikit ga’ papa,...... Continue.. 
By Syahril
Terkadang saya berpikir,“ternyata hidup itu indah”.
Hidup itu indah, ketika kita melewatinya dengan penuh suka. Namun, disatu sisi, semua itu bisa berbeda,,terkadang saya melihat orang tua yang menjalani hidup ini dengan kehidupan susah. Dalam hati mereka, hidup itu bagaikan racun yang dapat mematikan siapa saja, hidup itu kejam.. jeritan hati mereka seakan menenggelamkan harapan yang telah mereka impikan… kerasnya hidup selalu mereka lontarkan dengan raut wajah yang penuh rasa iba ...
Tidak selamanya hidup itu indah.. “katanya” kadang kala rasa duka dapat menyelimuti gelapnya kehidupan, hidup ini  terlalu indah untuk dikisahkan, suka maupun duka merupakan rangkaian kehidupan yang setiap manusia mengalaminya.
“Manusia tak dapat hidup tanpa bantuan orang lain”, itulah ungkapan sosial yang membuat hidup saya lebih berarti, tanpa ulur tangan dari kalian, saya tidak akan sampai sejauh ini. Berkat semangat, dukungan, dan bantuan kalian, kehidupanku telah berubah, yang dulunya malas menjadi disiplin, kurang pintar menjadi lumayan pintar, pemalu menjadi percaya diri, dsb. Semua itu saya lalui dengan penuh suka cita melalui kebersamaan yang begitu indah, kita bersama-sama dalam mengejar segudang impian, sejuta harapan, dan seribu asa yang menjadi target dalam kehidupan kita. Perasaan capek, lapar, letih, dan menahan rasa haus telah kita lalui bersama, saya merasakan betapa indahnya kebersamaan yang telah saya lalui bersama kalian selama ini.
Momen yang tak dapat saya lupakan dalam kebersamaan kita, ketika kita ngumpul bersama, bergurau bersama, canda tawa yang menghiasi kebersamaan kita sehingga terjalin suasana yang begitu indah, suasana yang begitu akrab… kita bagaikan satu keluarga yang tak dapat dipisahkan.

Namun, terkadang pula kita lewati kebersamaan itu dengan berbagai kerikil-kerikil kehidupan yang begitu pahit sehingga semua itu menjadi momen terburuk dalam kebersamaan kita, tapi semua itu kita lewati dengan hati yang terbuka. Solidaritas yang tinggi adalah ciri khas kebersamaan yang kita miliki, saya bersyukur bisa hadir ditengah-tengah kalian, sehingga saya bisa merasakan betapa indahnya arti kebersamaan.. 

Rabu, 07 November 2012

Memang sulit untuk meraih sesuatu,
namun lebih sulit lagi ketika kita mendalangi,
mencari sebuah kepastian tidaklah mudah,
seringkali hanya kepalsuan dan kepura puraan saja yang ada.
kebohongan yang tak pernah mengenal masa, dimana dan siapa mereka.
Kita tak pernah tau, kapan masa kita kan tiba,

Namun tekadang banyak bagi mereka yg tidak menyadarinya, bertindak semaunya, sesuka hati mereka, tanpa mereka sadari kalau apa yang mereka perbuat itu hanyalah sebuah kesia siaan belaka,
Hanya ketulusan dan kesabaranlah yang akan jadi pemenangnya.
Manusia lupa akan kodrat mereka,
lupa akan segalah janji mereka pada sang khalik
bahkan mereka mengabaikan janji mereka,

keangkuhan kerapkali terjadi karena kemewahan dan kekayaan yg mereka miliki,
tanpa mereka sadari pula, semua hanyalah fiktip sifat sementara
namun apa, mereka tetap saja pada keangkuhan mereka,
Bahkan cinta sekalipun dikalahkanya olehnya

Cinta dan perasaan yg selama ini saya pendam akhirnya bisa saya ungkapkan juga, meskipun cinta ini hanyalah sebuah hayalan bagiku namun kubahagia telah mencintainya, kubahagia karna tuhan telah memberiku sedikit rasa cinta, cinta yg sewajarnya. 

Mengumkakapkan perasaan ini sudah cukup buatq, meskipun pada akhirnya begitu menyakitkan buatq, ku tak menuntut apapun dari perasaan ini, dan ku tak menyalahkan siapapun, ku sangat bersukur, kutelah diberi kekuatan dan keberanian oleh tuhan mengatakann semuan, buatq sudah lebih dari cukup,. 

Cinta ini kan selalu kukenang dan selalu abadi untukya, meskipun kutak yakin kapan kubisa berlalu, dimana aku bisa menerimahnya dengan hati yg lapang.  
hati dan perasaan ini boleh hancur namun cintaku tetap utuh untuknya sampai kapanpun sekalipun hingga ujung waktuku skalipun, meskipun cinta ini telah dia abaikan namun kuberharap suatu saat nanti kan abadi tuk selamanya.

Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

Bibliography Citation
Pakenham, K. J. (2004). Sociolinguistic: Sociolinguistic rules of speaking. Australia: Pearson.

The article I choose to review for this assignment is entitled sociolinguistic rules of speaking of the author Kenneth J Pakenham (2004). In this article, the author explains that to be effective communicators and produces speech that is true in a second language and explains how the importance of learning sociolinguistic because of the many ethnic and cultural different, it does not close the possibility of a misunderstanding when there is not our knowledge about sociolinguistic. I chose this article because I think with the procedures and rules of good speaking with the knowledge we have about this sociolinguistic it will make it easier to understand a foreign culture and interact with other countries,
Language of cultural differences often because misunderstandings occur, due to lack of knowledge about the culture and language of other people we have, it is a thing that often happens around us, the small sample especially in Indonesia itself is a country whose territory is very extensive with the population composed of various ethnic groups, the Indonesian usage also varied. When some people speak in a language that cannot be understood, first a variety of sounds and the sound is intermittent and very complicated. So that the social identity of the speakers can be known from the question of what and who speakers are, and how this relates to the opponent he said. So sociolinguistic is very important role to be studied and known to speak in a language that is as expected. And now I will explain a little information about sociolinguistic with help from some books and I hope we can add to knowledge that is useful and beneficial to us all. This article is suitable for the student at the university.
Traditional linguistic research has focused most of its attention on exploring linguistic competence, the rules that govern the grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation of language. This approach may have reinforced a widespread but erroneous belief about second language learning. And Sociolinguistic argue, however, that linguistic competence by no means guarantees successful communication. Its crucial shortcoming is that it does not ensure that you can understand and produce socially appropriate speech in the second language.
To see what sociolinguistic mean, consider the following conversation and its outcome. This conversation between a U.S host and a foreign student is hypothetical. U.S host: would you like some more dessert? Do have some? Student: no, thank you very much (Pakenham, 2004).
The host changes the topic of conversation and doesn’t mention dessert again. The student really did want more dessert but was trying to appear polite by refusing. He remains hungry and might even feel offended because the host has not repeated the offer.  The speech of each participant is linguistically correct, the student has communicated to the host a false impression of his wishes; he does, in fact, want more dessert. The host, for her part has interpreted the refusal as a genuine one. In the conversation realizes, though, that there has been a misunderstanding” (pakenham, 2004, p. 123)
For sociolinguistic, such misunderstanding offer evidence for the existence of sociolinguistic rules of speaking. Just the grammar, vocabulary, and phonological rules of our linguistic competence help us to produce linguistically correct speech; they are acquired and applied, usually unconsciously by members of given culture. There is extensive empirical data to support both the claim that the sociolinguistic rules of speaking exist and that they may differ from culture to culture” (Pakenham, 2004, p. 123-124).
From the evidence presented in the preceding paragraph, it is clear that different cultures have different standard for what is socially appropriate linguistic behavior in similar circumstances. The rules for when and how to perform such actions may differ greatly from culture to culture. Does it follow, however, that second language learners need to master the rules of the culture whose language that they are learning?” (Pakenham, 2004, p. 123).
Reactions like this are relatively common in situations in which intercultural miscommunication occurs. One typical response is to jump to a conclusion and to attribute a negative quality in this case, lack of politeness to the person whose language was understood linguistically but misinterpreted sociolinguistic ally. Learners of a second language therefore need to be aware that the rules for polite interactions are not universal. They must also be ready to modify their speech to conform to the sociolinguistic conventions of the society they are in (Pakenham, 2004, p. 123).
In this article, Kenneth said that Sociolinguistics argues that linguistic competence does not mean guarantee successful communication. Important drawback is that it does not guarantee that you can understand and produce appropriate social speech in a second language’’ (Pakenham, 2004). So learn sociolinguistic alone can not necessarily guarantee success in becoming effective communicators who are not much less how to learn.
Learn about sociolinguistic is the activities I had never done before because I think it is the sociolinguistic not interesting for me. But, after I read this article, I argue that by means of these sociolinguistic differences in language we can understand it, and it was of no interest to change. Although this article only explains a little about the sociolinguistic material, however, contain the contents of this article can make me interested to know more about the sociolinguistic.
In the article, provide knowledge about what is sociolinguistics, the authors also show a sample so that I as a reader can know more about what it is and the importance of studying sociolinguistic and more concise explanation but it is easy to understand, besides that the explanation is also accompanied by examples as evidence explanation in this article about the role of linguistic culture in a language. One example is from a conversation between the host and student. Host said the U.S. host: would you like some more dessert? Do have some? Then students answer that, the Student: no, thank you very much’’ (Pakenham, 2004). So from this conversation that the linguistic seen nothing wrong between them, but because of cultural differences in language, causing misunderstanding. So this is where the role of the linguistic study.
In this article has a bit of an explanation than from any other book giving out a lot more explanation than this article. Although this article only describes the sociolinguistic short enough, but I am sure that this article could provide a better example for us about the sociolinguistic especially for us as students who are just learning about the sociolinguistic.
Differences in this article from a few books can be seen from Wijana & Rohmadi’s book, this volume discusses and covers more broadly about the role of the linguistic community, but the explanation is not significantly more focused on language variation, language selection and language characteristics, such as a book of sociolinguistic Wijana and Rohmadi, they also provide some additional social class. Rohmadi Wijana and said that "The complexity of the consequences that make it possible to grapple with some of the profession in their lives" (Wijana & Rohmadi, 2006, p 47). Not based on language culture according to the article above.
After I read the article, I can say that if this article especially interesting to me I read and we can apply to our future life, as I have said earlier on section critique, so all the advantages of this article have I lay out above starting from how to form of the contents of this article, how to handle it, until the message conveyed any message, especially the importance of this article for the public, especially for students. After I know the advantages of this article, the point I suggest for students to read this article and study this article, especially applying our future life. So I think for recommendation only that can I mention because I have to say in critique.  In essential is this article can give us much knowledge for the readers. So let’s read this article.

Pakenham, K. J. (2004). Sociolinguistic: Sociolinguistic rules of speaking. Australia: Pearson
Wijana, D. P., & Rohmadi, M. (2006). Sociolinguistic. Yogyakarta: Pustaka pelajar