Many student think that if they write is difficult because of we must use specific words or language. And sometimes we feel our academic writing is good but the structure is wrong. But as a student college we will find difficulties in writing is different from ever that’s very complex (Trimmer, & Sommers 1984). There are many kinds of academic writing. For example, Capital is complex notion. There are many definitions of the word itself, and capital is applied in accounting can be viewed conceptually from a number of standpoints; that is, there is legal capital, financial capital and physical capital (Belcher, 2004). Although there are distinct differences apparentin different types of writing in the various university disciplines, but we stay to use an appropriate academic style .and then The style is formal and the point of view is in the third person. You need to find your personal style of writing and stick with it all the way through. The focus is on the facts and not the writer’s opinions.
The most important in academic writing is language, because language is be sound symbol system has arbitrarily and conventional that worn as a means of communication to give birth to feeling and idea (Hyland, 2000). The language must not contain abbreviations, slang words, or jargon. It means that for academic writing we should using the best words or language because in academic writing demand language neatness. This matter be caused by language character arbitrarily that can make perception difference between reader and author. Remember work writes scientific be science reference in the case of academic, so need existence a rule that guarantee work writes to be has meaning (Hinkel, 2002). Because the most important in academic writing is words or language and how to use it well
As a conclusion that study about academic writing we always find many problems. For example like how to write well and how to use words or language well, and to get that we must study hard and always practice focus, in order that maybe can to make the readers understood So that when we write we always need focus if we want get the best ideas, and I think it is very important for us, why I say that….???Because in academic writing if we don’t take it easy like that we will feel difficult think because in academic writing we should use words and the best language. Although we always language is often abstract and complex.
Belcher, D. (2004).Research in teaching writing.Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 24, 70-106.
Hinkel, E. (2002). Second language writers’ Text: Linguistic and Rhetorical Features. Mahwan, NJ: Erlbaum.
Hyland, K. (2000). Disciplinary Discourses Social Interactions in Academic Writing.Harlow: Pearson Education.
Trimmer, J.F., &Sommers, N.I. (1984). Writing a purpose. Houghton Mifflin Company:
Oshima, A., & Hogue, A. (2007). Introduction to academic writing. United States of America: Peaseon Longman
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