Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

Bibliography Citation
Pakenham, K. J. (2004). Sociolinguistic: Sociolinguistic rules of speaking. Australia: Pearson.

The article I choose to review for this assignment is entitled sociolinguistic rules of speaking of the author Kenneth J Pakenham (2004). In this article, the author explains that to be effective communicators and produces speech that is true in a second language and explains how the importance of learning sociolinguistic because of the many ethnic and cultural different, it does not close the possibility of a misunderstanding when there is not our knowledge about sociolinguistic. I chose this article because I think with the procedures and rules of good speaking with the knowledge we have about this sociolinguistic it will make it easier to understand a foreign culture and interact with other countries,
Language of cultural differences often because misunderstandings occur, due to lack of knowledge about the culture and language of other people we have, it is a thing that often happens around us, the small sample especially in Indonesia itself is a country whose territory is very extensive with the population composed of various ethnic groups, the Indonesian usage also varied. When some people speak in a language that cannot be understood, first a variety of sounds and the sound is intermittent and very complicated. So that the social identity of the speakers can be known from the question of what and who speakers are, and how this relates to the opponent he said. So sociolinguistic is very important role to be studied and known to speak in a language that is as expected. And now I will explain a little information about sociolinguistic with help from some books and I hope we can add to knowledge that is useful and beneficial to us all. This article is suitable for the student at the university.
Traditional linguistic research has focused most of its attention on exploring linguistic competence, the rules that govern the grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation of language. This approach may have reinforced a widespread but erroneous belief about second language learning. And Sociolinguistic argue, however, that linguistic competence by no means guarantees successful communication. Its crucial shortcoming is that it does not ensure that you can understand and produce socially appropriate speech in the second language.
To see what sociolinguistic mean, consider the following conversation and its outcome. This conversation between a U.S host and a foreign student is hypothetical. U.S host: would you like some more dessert? Do have some? Student: no, thank you very much (Pakenham, 2004).
The host changes the topic of conversation and doesn’t mention dessert again. The student really did want more dessert but was trying to appear polite by refusing. He remains hungry and might even feel offended because the host has not repeated the offer.  The speech of each participant is linguistically correct, the student has communicated to the host a false impression of his wishes; he does, in fact, want more dessert. The host, for her part has interpreted the refusal as a genuine one. In the conversation realizes, though, that there has been a misunderstanding” (pakenham, 2004, p. 123)
For sociolinguistic, such misunderstanding offer evidence for the existence of sociolinguistic rules of speaking. Just the grammar, vocabulary, and phonological rules of our linguistic competence help us to produce linguistically correct speech; they are acquired and applied, usually unconsciously by members of given culture. There is extensive empirical data to support both the claim that the sociolinguistic rules of speaking exist and that they may differ from culture to culture” (Pakenham, 2004, p. 123-124).
From the evidence presented in the preceding paragraph, it is clear that different cultures have different standard for what is socially appropriate linguistic behavior in similar circumstances. The rules for when and how to perform such actions may differ greatly from culture to culture. Does it follow, however, that second language learners need to master the rules of the culture whose language that they are learning?” (Pakenham, 2004, p. 123).
Reactions like this are relatively common in situations in which intercultural miscommunication occurs. One typical response is to jump to a conclusion and to attribute a negative quality in this case, lack of politeness to the person whose language was understood linguistically but misinterpreted sociolinguistic ally. Learners of a second language therefore need to be aware that the rules for polite interactions are not universal. They must also be ready to modify their speech to conform to the sociolinguistic conventions of the society they are in (Pakenham, 2004, p. 123).
In this article, Kenneth said that Sociolinguistics argues that linguistic competence does not mean guarantee successful communication. Important drawback is that it does not guarantee that you can understand and produce appropriate social speech in a second language’’ (Pakenham, 2004). So learn sociolinguistic alone can not necessarily guarantee success in becoming effective communicators who are not much less how to learn.
Learn about sociolinguistic is the activities I had never done before because I think it is the sociolinguistic not interesting for me. But, after I read this article, I argue that by means of these sociolinguistic differences in language we can understand it, and it was of no interest to change. Although this article only explains a little about the sociolinguistic material, however, contain the contents of this article can make me interested to know more about the sociolinguistic.
In the article, provide knowledge about what is sociolinguistics, the authors also show a sample so that I as a reader can know more about what it is and the importance of studying sociolinguistic and more concise explanation but it is easy to understand, besides that the explanation is also accompanied by examples as evidence explanation in this article about the role of linguistic culture in a language. One example is from a conversation between the host and student. Host said the U.S. host: would you like some more dessert? Do have some? Then students answer that, the Student: no, thank you very much’’ (Pakenham, 2004). So from this conversation that the linguistic seen nothing wrong between them, but because of cultural differences in language, causing misunderstanding. So this is where the role of the linguistic study.
In this article has a bit of an explanation than from any other book giving out a lot more explanation than this article. Although this article only describes the sociolinguistic short enough, but I am sure that this article could provide a better example for us about the sociolinguistic especially for us as students who are just learning about the sociolinguistic.
Differences in this article from a few books can be seen from Wijana & Rohmadi’s book, this volume discusses and covers more broadly about the role of the linguistic community, but the explanation is not significantly more focused on language variation, language selection and language characteristics, such as a book of sociolinguistic Wijana and Rohmadi, they also provide some additional social class. Rohmadi Wijana and said that "The complexity of the consequences that make it possible to grapple with some of the profession in their lives" (Wijana & Rohmadi, 2006, p 47). Not based on language culture according to the article above.
After I read the article, I can say that if this article especially interesting to me I read and we can apply to our future life, as I have said earlier on section critique, so all the advantages of this article have I lay out above starting from how to form of the contents of this article, how to handle it, until the message conveyed any message, especially the importance of this article for the public, especially for students. After I know the advantages of this article, the point I suggest for students to read this article and study this article, especially applying our future life. So I think for recommendation only that can I mention because I have to say in critique.  In essential is this article can give us much knowledge for the readers. So let’s read this article.

Pakenham, K. J. (2004). Sociolinguistic: Sociolinguistic rules of speaking. Australia: Pearson
Wijana, D. P., & Rohmadi, M. (2006). Sociolinguistic. Yogyakarta: Pustaka pelajar 
Bibliographic Citation
Kartini Kartno, D. R. (2010). Patologi Sosial: Kenakalan Remaja Juvenile Delinquency. Jakarta Raja Grafindo Persada.
The book I choose to review for this assignment is entitled Patologi Sosial: Kenakalan Remaja Juvenile Delinquency by authors Dr. Kartini Kartono (2010). In this book, explain many problems about teenager’s life, I choose this book because I think, as a teenager, we  needs to know ourselves before making a effect  that is not good for anyone else, especially in ourselves. It because in this era of globalization, committed grow significance, especially in modern society which is too complex as a product of technological advances led to many social problems, such as the juvenile more days showed an increased number of crimes committed in the action group action. This problem will continue to evolve in line with technological developments.
Form of criminal behavior such as street racing highway racing is dangerous to mess up the environment, fights between students, brawl that took many lives, from school and then loiter in the streets, drug addiction and addictive ingredients. That’s all happen cause of attention or caring from their parents still minim and sometimes there are parent do not give attention or care to their child. But besides is also because genetic inheritance, inner conflict because mental stress internalization of symbolic false or family influence are said by Kartono, (2010). How to overcome? I will explain a little about juvenile delinquency with helped from some books and I hope we can add to knowledge that is useful and beneficial to us all.
   Kartono describes that juvenile delinquency as malicious or criminal behavior in teenagers. According to him teenagers who delinquent or evil also referred to as socially handicapped child. They suffer from a mental disability caused by social influences that exist in the community. Behavior adolescent children show signs of lack or absence of conformity to social norms, and the majority of juvenile delinquency under the age of 21 years, but if they are aged 22 years and over then it will decrease the crime rate. The teenager who committed the crime generally lacks the self control. Or is it abusing the self-control. In general, young children were very egotism and love to misuse or exaggerate exaggerated self-esteem’’ (Kartono., 2010, p.7).
   Kartono said that factors that encouraging them to commit the crime of which are, to satisfy the greed tendency, increased aggressiveness and sex drive, and one foster parent and one student, so that children become spoiled and weak mental’’ (Kartono., 2010, p.9). Causing effects such as frustration reactions themselves, it is because of lack of affection and supervision of a parent, do not care about religion, and the absence of channeling media talents and hobbies, besides that it is also because of a broken home and the influence of playmates.
   In essence, the crowd of boys from a youth group or association with criminal and social characteristics that are normal children, but by one or several forms of neglect, and efforts to seek compensation for all shortcomings, causing the young boy was later to become evil. So that the norms and codes that serve a role model and should not be violated were not ignored but neglected to be broken’’ (Kartono., 2010).
   Many teenagers who live in the midst of his own family and relatives feel unworthy drift and do not have a dignified social status, feel trapped and cannot grow, in the middle group of these children can find a different compensation for any shortcomings’’ (Kartono., 2010, p.12). The type of this type of juvenile delinquency such as, vagrancy and then ditching school all the way, Racing on the road that interferes with traffic safety, Then drug abuse, conduct free sex marriages without a rope, and the fight between the students that sometimes brings casualties’’ (Kartono., 2010, p.21).
   Kartono’s ideas which are presented in this book are very interesting. The discussion of this book explains that the child's attention if not maintained or will cause problems for their parents, According to Kartono, (2010) or one of  his idea said that if the actions to be done it is to do a humanitarian approach in children. So I can say that if this book very good with the idea have presented.
 Juvenile delinquency is a form of crime that occurs in society. Especially in modern times it is today with so many cultures as a result of the more familiar areas of national and international communications. With social status thus has resulted in the emergence of many problems, especially young teenagers. So there was crime everywhere. Violate the laws, norms, and rules of predefined rules, According to Santoso that the purpose of establishment of norms and laws that are to be obeyed, and who violate it will be sanctioned by criminal law’’ (2001, p.3).
From their ideas that, they have different, such as from Kartono’s ideas more explain about many teenagers life or their area, it means that, the kinds of juvenile delinquency that explain more details, different from Santoso’s ideas, only presented about  norms and laws in society and who violate it will be sanctioned by criminal law. But not only have that made a teenagers do the action like that, but still there are many factors, such as Asrori, (2007) said that there is not media creativity to show their talent or their hobby, but if a parent can support their child with give them facilities, perhaps this way will make the teenagers nothing time for do something effects negative. Because juvenile delinquency is also one of annoyance psychological sometimes happen in teenager’s life, in order that as parents must know psych their child so that they can getting lose from negative effects’’ (Asrori., 2007, p.3).      
   In this book there are many issues raised that occur teenage life squad, such as what the impact of make them like that, whatever form or the kinds of juvenile delinquency, and what should we do if this happening to us, and last how to prevent and overcome this problem, Kartono, (2010). So I think I agree from the statement, because this action is not good, then to make the same actions the child deterrent punishment should be applied to them, so that children will not repeat all of that.
   The discussion in this book has characteristic different from other books because it covers all aspects of the book of aspects and the existing norms, for example in the book about kriminalog by Santoso it only explains part of crime that often occur among teenagers, the book discusses the Santoso the more common forms of crime in the community, or a more general nature, without discussing more about the crime that often occurs among a teenager. And then the book Kartono has an excess of books I have read, as I have said above that is a good solution is quite important to know such a solution for parents who may have teenagers according to Kartono that parents must provide and show attention and affection to their son, or the most important for parents that always teach them, such as how to use the media and internet with good communication, and last that as parents are encouraged whenever possible support their hobby or talent that is positive, so maybe like that can prevent teenagers from their bed action. So we can say that the flaws in this book that almost nothing in terms of social pathology, there may be shortcomings but I think it is not disputed for the reader.
  The relationship of juvenile delinquency between criminology and psychological is related. According to Santoso that juvenile delinquency is an act that violates the rules or legal norms in society and it is an act of crime, so who did it should be subject to sanctions or criminal penalties for public security. So solution between I have to agree where the enforcement of criminal law for those who violate the law.
   After I read the books, I can say that if this book especially interesting to us read to apply to our future life, as I have said earlier on section critique, so all the advantages of this book have I lay out above starting from how to form of the contents of this book, how to handle it, until the message conveyed any message, especially the importance of this book for the public, especially parents who have teenagers. After I know the advantages of this book, the point I suggest for teenagers to read this book and study this book, especially applying our future life. So I think for recommendation only that can I mention because I have to say in critique.  In essential is this book can give us much knowledge for the readers. So let’s read this book.

Kartini Kartno, D. R. (2010). Patologi Sosial: Kenakalan Remaja Juvenile Delinquency. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.
Santoso, S.H., &Achjani Eva, S.H. (2001). Patologi Sosia: Kriminolog. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.
Asrori Muhammad, D. R (2007). Psikologi Pembelajaran. Bandung: Wacana Prima
The development of formal schooling has grown rapidly with a wide range of teaching systems are offered, but even so still there are many parents choose to educate their children at home, or  home school their children. Unsatisfying results of formal schooling of their children, in encouraged many parents to educate their children at home, which I think is good idea Often oriented to the formal school grades or the most important things in school, instead of prioritizing life skills and values ​​of faith and morals. Hence came the idea of parents to educate their children at home. Thus, there stood a school organization called the school-house (homeschooling) or also known as independent schools or home education or home based learning. And brief definition of homeschooling is a model of education where a family chooses to be solely responsible for the education of their children by using the home as a base of education. The selection of schools in children is still controversial. So that this paper will be explore a little bit about some of the pros and cons of homeschooling.

Every parent wants their children receive quality education, religious values ​​and good morals are embedded, and children a fun learning atmosphere. Often times these things are not found his parents in public schools. So the number of parents who are not satisfied with the results of formal schooling of their children, thus encouraging parents to educate their children at home. Often oriented to the formal school grades or the most important things in school, instead of prioritizing life skills and values ​​of faith and morals. In school, many students pursue grades by cheating or buying a fake certificate. In others addition that, personal attention in children, less attention. Thus adds to the atmosphere of the school situation becomes unpleasant. So that the homeschooling community is reaping controversy because it is not affective for the development of children such as Children's Traffic relatively unexposed to the socially heterogeneous society.

From the above discussion and differences, we can mention the advantages of homeschooling, such as  adaptable, meaning that according to the needs of the child and family conditions, providing an independent means more chances of individual self-reliance and creativity that are not found in public schools, the maximum potential, to maximize potential of the child, without having to follow the standards set time school, ready to plunge in the real world that is home school better prepared to plunge in the real world because of the learning process based on the daily activities around him, shielded from stray association meant there conformity with the child's growth family. Relatively protected from the actions and interactions that deviate like fighting, drugs, consumerism, pornography, cheating and so on; Economical, cost of education may adjust the family's financial situation.

But on the other hand, homeschooling has drawbacks such as requiring high commitment and responsibility of parents, have a higher complexity because parents should be responsible for the overall process of their children's education, skills and dynamics of socializing with peers is relatively low, there is a risk lack of ability to work in teams (team work), organization and leadership, excessive protection of the elderly can give side effects and the inability to resolve the situation of a complex social problem that is not predictable. And children exposed to relatively socially heterogeneous society. Roles and total commitment of parents is required. Besides the selection of materials and standards of home schooling, they also have to carry out examinations for their children to get a certificate, in order to continue their education to the next level. Many parents have already in Indonesia who practices this homeschooling.

In conclusion, homeschooling is an alternative educational choice for parents in improving the quality of education, developing religious values, and want a more pleasant learning atmosphere. On the other hand, Homeschooling may not provide teaching materials and curricula and uniform, in accordance with the expectations and needs of children.
Therefore, I recommend for parents who want to do, have do it, they better do it as according to Simbolon that  parents have a responsibility as well as to provide the best option for children. Homeschooling became a rational alternative education for parents; have advantages and disadvantages according to the system. Our job as parents is to make sure that we have given the maximum for our children, with all its limitations (constraints) that we have.

Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

Perkembangan sekolah formal telah berkembang dengan pesat dengan berbagai macam system pengajaran yang ditawarkan, namun meskipun demikian masih banyak pula orang tua yang memilih  menyokalahkan anaknya di rumah , yang dikenal dengan homeschooling. Banyaknya orang tua yang tidak puas dengan hasil sekolah formal anak mereka, sehingga mendorong orang tua mendidik anaknya di rumah. Sering kali sekolah formal berorientasi pada nilai rapor  atau hal terpenting dalam sekolah, bukannya mengutamakan keterampilan hidup dan nilai-nilai iman dan moral. Oleh karena itu muncullah ide orang tua untuk menyekolahkan anak-anaknya di rumah. sehingga, berdirilah sebuah lembaga sekolah yang disebut sekolah-rumah (homeschooling) atau dikenal juga dengan istilah sekolah mandiri, atau home education atau home based learning . Defenisi singkat tentang  homeschooling adalah model pendidikan dimana sebuah keluarga memilih untuk bertanggung jawab sendiri atas pendidikan anaknya dengan menggunakan rumah sebagai basis pendidikannya.  Pemilihan sekolah pada anak masih saja menjadi kontroversi.  Sehingga paper ini akan mengeksplore sedikit tentang beberapa pro-kontra tentang homeschooling.
Setiap orang tua menghendaki anak-anaknya mendapat pendidikan bermutu, nilai-nilai agama dan moral yang tertanam baik, dan suasana belajar anak yang menyenangkan. Sering kali hal-hal tersebut tidak ditemukan para orang tua di sekolah umum. sehingga Banyaknya orang tua yang tidak puas dengan hasil sekolah formal anak mereka, sehingga mendorong orang tua mendidik anaknya di rumah. Sering kali sekolah formal berorientasi pada nilai rapor  atau hal terpenting dalam sekolah, bukannya mengutamakan keterampilan hidup dan nilai-nilai iman dan moral. Di sekolah, banyak murid mengejar nilai rapor dengan mencontek atau membeli ijazah palsu. Selain itu, perhatian secara personal pada anak, kurang diperhatikan. Keadaan demikian menambah suasana sekolah menjadi tidak menyenangkan. Sehingga homeschooling ini menuai kontropersi dalam masyarakat karena dianggap tidak afektif untuk perkembangan kemapuan anak seperti Anak relatif tidak terekspos dengan pergaulan yang heterogen secara sosial.
Dari pembahasan dan perbedaan di atas, kita dapat menyebutkan kelebihan dari homeschooling, antara lain: adaptable, artinya sesuai dengan kebutuhan anak dan kondisi keluarga, mandiri artinya lebih memberikan peluang kemandirian dan kreativitas individual yang tidak didapatkan di sekolah umum,  potensi yang maksimal, dapat memaksimalkan potensi anak, tanpa harus mengikuti standar waktu yang ditetapkan sekolah,  siap terjun pada dunia nyata artinya sekolah rumah lebih siap terjun pada dunia nyata karena proses pembelajarannya berdasarkan kegiatan sehari-hari yang ada di sekitarnya,  terlindung dari pergaulan menyimpang maksudnya Ada kesesuaian pertumbuhan anak dengan dengan keluarga. Relatif terlindung dari tindakan nilai dan pergaulan yang menyimpang  seperti tawuran, narkoba, konsumerisme, pornografi, mencontek dan sebagainya; Ekonomis, biaya pendidikan dapat menyesuaikan dengan kondisi keuangan keluarga. (Argument positive).

Namun di sisi lain, homeschooling mempunyai kekurangan seperti: membutuhkan komitmen dan tanggung jawab tinggi dari orang tua; memiliki kompleksitas yang lebih tinggi karena orang tua harus bertanggung jawab atas keseluruhan proses pendidikan anak mereka; keterampilan dan dinamika bersosialisasi dengan teman sebaya relatif rendah; ada resiko kurangnya kemampuan bekerja dalam tim (team work), organisasi dan kepemimpinan; proteksi berlebihan dari orang tua dapat memberikan efek samping ketidakmampuan menyelesaikan situasi dan masalah sosial yang kompleks yang tidak terprediksi. Dan  Anak relatif tidak terekspos dengan pergaulan yang heterogen secara sosial. (Argument negative).
Peran dan komitmen total orang tua sangat dituntut. Selain pemilihan materi dan standar pendidikan sekolah rumah, mereka juga harus melaksanakan ujian bagi anak-anaknya untuk mendapatkan sertifikat, dengan tujuan agar dapat melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang berikutnya. Banyak orang tua Indonesia yang mempraktekkan homeschooling mengambil materi pelajaran, bahan ujian dan sertifikat sekolah rumah dari Amerika Serikat. Sertifikat dari negeri itu diakui di Indonesia (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional) sebagai lulusan sekolah Luar Negeri
Homeschooling merupakan sebuah pilihan alternatif pendidikan bagi orang tua dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan, mengembangkan nilai agama, dan menginginkan suasana belajar yang lebih menyenangkan. Di sisi lain, ada sekolah umum yang memberikan bahan ajar dan kurikulum secara terpusat dan seragam, sesuai dengan harapan dan kebutuhan anak. Baik homeschooling maupun sekolah umum atau pendidikan formal sama-sama mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan dalam menghantarkan peserta didik mencapai tujuan pendidikan.
Soal pilihan keduanya, semua diserahkan pada orang tua dan keluarga sesuai dengan kondisi keluarga. Sebagai sosok yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengantarkan anak-anak pada masa depannya, orang tua memiliki tanggung jawab sekaligus pilihan untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi anak-anak. Homeschooling menjadi alternatif pendidikan yang rasional bagi orang tua; memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan sesuai sistemnya. Tugas kita sebagai orang tua adalah memastikan bahwa kita telah memberikan yang maksimal untuk anak-anak kita, dengan segala batasan (constraint) yang kita miliki.