Kartini Kartno, D. R. (2010). Patologi Sosial: Kenakalan Remaja Juvenile Delinquency. Jakarta
Raja Grafindo Persada.
book I choose to review for this assignment is entitled Patologi Sosial: Kenakalan Remaja Juvenile Delinquency by authors Dr.
Kartini Kartono (2010). In this book, explain many problems about teenager’s
life, I choose this book because I think, as a teenager, we needs to know ourselves before making a effect
that is not good for anyone else,
especially in ourselves. It because in this era of globalization, committed
grow significance, especially in modern society which is too complex as a
product of technological advances led to many social problems, such as the
juvenile more days showed an increased number of crimes committed in the action
group action. This problem will continue to evolve in line with technological developments.
of criminal behavior such as street racing highway racing is dangerous to mess
up the environment, fights between students, brawl that took many lives, from
school and then loiter in the streets, drug addiction and addictive ingredients.
That’s all happen cause of attention or caring from their parents still minim
and sometimes there are parent do not give attention or care to their child.
But besides is also because genetic inheritance, inner conflict because mental
stress internalization of symbolic false or family influence are said by
Kartono, (2010). How to overcome? I will explain a little about juvenile
delinquency with helped from some books and I hope we can add to knowledge that
is useful and beneficial to us all.
Kartono describes that juvenile delinquency
as malicious or criminal behavior in teenagers. According to him teenagers who
delinquent or evil also referred to as socially handicapped child. They suffer
from a mental disability caused by social influences that exist in the
community. Behavior adolescent children show signs of lack or absence of conformity
to social norms, and the majority of juvenile delinquency under the age of 21
years, but if they are aged 22 years and over then it will decrease the crime
rate. The teenager who committed the crime generally lacks the self control. Or
is it abusing the self-control. In general, young children were very egotism
and love to misuse or exaggerate exaggerated self-esteem’’ (Kartono., 2010,
Kartono said that factors that encouraging
them to commit the crime of which are, to satisfy the greed tendency, increased
aggressiveness and sex drive, and one foster parent and one student, so that
children become spoiled and weak mental’’ (Kartono., 2010, p.9). Causing
effects such as frustration reactions themselves, it is because of lack of
affection and supervision of a parent, do not care about religion, and the
absence of channeling media talents and hobbies, besides that it is also
because of a broken home and the influence of playmates.
In essence, the crowd of boys from a youth
group or association with criminal and social characteristics that are normal
children, but by one or several forms of neglect, and efforts to seek
compensation for all shortcomings, causing the young boy was later to become
evil. So that the norms and codes that serve a role model and should not be
violated were not ignored but neglected to be broken’’ (Kartono., 2010).
Many teenagers who live in the midst of his
own family and relatives feel unworthy drift and do not have a dignified social
status, feel trapped and cannot grow, in the middle group of these children can
find a different compensation for any shortcomings’’ (Kartono., 2010, p.12). The
type of this type of juvenile delinquency such as, vagrancy and then ditching
school all the way, Racing on the road that interferes with traffic safety, Then
drug abuse, conduct free sex marriages without a rope, and the fight between
the students that sometimes brings casualties’’ (Kartono., 2010, p.21).
Kartono’s ideas which are presented in this
book are very interesting. The discussion of this book explains that the
child's attention if not maintained or will cause problems for their parents,
According to Kartono, (2010) or one of his idea said that if the actions to be done
it is to do a humanitarian approach in children. So I can say that if this book
very good with the idea have presented.
Juvenile delinquency is a form of crime that
occurs in society. Especially in modern times it is today with so many cultures
as a result of the more familiar areas of national and international
communications. With social status thus has resulted in the emergence of many
problems, especially young teenagers. So there was crime everywhere. Violate
the laws, norms, and rules of predefined rules, According to Santoso that the
purpose of establishment of norms and laws that are to be obeyed, and who
violate it will be sanctioned by criminal law’’ (2001, p.3).
their ideas that, they have different, such as from Kartono’s ideas more
explain about many teenagers life or their area, it means that, the kinds of
juvenile delinquency that explain more details, different from Santoso’s ideas,
only presented about norms and laws in
society and who violate it will be sanctioned by criminal law. But not only have
that made a teenagers do the action like that, but still there are many
factors, such as Asrori, (2007) said that there is not media creativity to show
their talent or their hobby, but if a parent can support their child with give
them facilities, perhaps this way will make the teenagers nothing time for do
something effects negative. Because juvenile delinquency is also one of
annoyance psychological sometimes happen in teenager’s life, in order that as
parents must know psych their child so that they can getting lose from negative
effects’’ (Asrori., 2007, p.3).
In this book there are many issues raised
that occur teenage life squad, such as what the impact of make them like that,
whatever form or the kinds of juvenile delinquency, and what should we do if
this happening to us, and last how to prevent and overcome this problem,
Kartono, (2010). So I think I agree from the statement, because this action is
not good, then to make the same actions the child deterrent punishment should
be applied to them, so that children will not repeat all of that.
The discussion in this book has
characteristic different from other books because it covers all aspects of the
book of aspects and the existing norms, for example in the book about
kriminalog by Santoso it only explains part of crime that often occur among teenagers,
the book discusses the Santoso the more common forms of crime in the community,
or a more general nature, without discussing more about the crime that often
occurs among a teenager. And then the book Kartono has an excess of books I
have read, as I have said above that is a good solution is quite important to
know such a solution for parents who may have teenagers according to Kartono
that parents must provide and show attention and affection to their son, or the
most important for parents that always teach them, such as how to use the media
and internet with good communication, and last that as parents are encouraged
whenever possible support their hobby or talent that is positive, so maybe like
that can prevent teenagers from their bed action. So we can say that the flaws
in this book that almost nothing in terms of social pathology, there may be
shortcomings but I think it is not disputed for the reader.
The relationship of juvenile delinquency
between criminology and psychological is related. According to Santoso that
juvenile delinquency is an act that violates the rules or legal norms in
society and it is an act of crime, so who did it should be subject to sanctions
or criminal penalties for public security. So solution between I have to agree
where the enforcement of criminal law for those who violate the law.
After I read the books, I can say that if
this book especially interesting to us read to apply to our future life, as I
have said earlier on section critique, so all the advantages of this book have
I lay out above starting from how to form of the contents of this book, how to
handle it, until the message conveyed any message, especially the importance of
this book for the public, especially parents who have teenagers. After I know
the advantages of this book, the point I suggest for teenagers to read this
book and study this book, especially applying our future life. So I think for
recommendation only that can I mention because I have to say in critique. In essential is this book can give us much
knowledge for the readers. So let’s read this book.
Kartini Kartno, D. R. (2010). Patologi Sosial: Kenakalan Remaja Juvenile Delinquency. Jakarta:
Raja Grafindo Persada.
S.H., &Achjani Eva, S.H. (2001). Patologi
Sosia: Kriminolog. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.
Asrori Muhammad, D. R
(2007). Psikologi Pembelajaran.
Bandung: Wacana Prima